Do It Ourselves

You can email us at: [email protected]

Send post to:
PO Box 5493
BN52 9LL

A place to share knowledge on how to make life easier when you live with chronic illness and disability of any kind.
Diagnosis or not: all are welcome!

Do It Ourselves is run by people! Here they are:

Amy Dickinson
The genius behind Do It Ourselves.

Matty Smith
One of the mods.

Andrew (speccyferret)
One of the mods, and the artist behind the emojis and channel art (including the background on this carrd)

One of the mods.

Eva Rose
One of the mods.

Sarah (Flamango)
One of the mods.

Tim Meredith
is also here sometimes.

You can email us at: [email protected]

What we generally say about conduct in the chat:

  • Try to stay on topic during the stream

  • You are welcome to share your experiences

  • Be aware that other people in the chat might have triggers and use your judgement on what is appropriate

  • Please respect mod decisions

You can email us at: [email protected]

DayTime (GMT)Stream
Monday6pm ~ 7pmTopic Talk
Wednesday7pm ~ 8pmChronic Chillness

Pay attention to social media, as these times might change last minute due to the fickle nature of chronic illness

You can email us at: [email protected]

Here are some terms that tend to come up in our conversations:

Active RestA technique of bringing yourself out of "threat mode" by meditatively resting (but not sleeping) Here is a clip of Amy talking about it on stream.
Balance Board:This bit of equipment makes an appearance on our Thursday Chronic Chillness stream! An explanation on our Instagram can be found here
CBTCognitive Behavioural Therapy
DBTDialectical Behavioural Therapy
Degu:A rodent native to Chile. (Amy has three as pets!)
Interoceptionfeeling your internal organs, such as your heartbeat.
Proprioceptionfeeling how your muscles and joints are located.
OT (Occupational Therapy):"Occupational therapy aims to improve your ability to do everyday tasks if you're having difficulties." (according to the NHS)
Osteopathy:"Osteopathy is a way of detecting, treating and preventing health problems by moving, stretching and massaging a person's muscles and joints." (according to the NHS) (Amy has a fantastic osteopath who takes an interest in all areas of her health)

You can email us at: [email protected]